10/13/18 – Outweathered

Australia needs rain, as it has been suffering from one of its most intense droughts. However, as a tourist, I want it to be warm and sunny so I can enjoy the city and make my visit worthwhile. Although I have managed to ride my Brompton when there were breaks in the rain, and even attempted to participate in a city bike tour as part of the Sydney Rides Festival (I bailed out because of downpour), it was a far cry from what I wanted to do.

As a consolation, I have spent some time in museums.

Alas, I didn’t get much return on my money while in Sydney. Maybe some other time.

Goodbye Sydney! Hello Melbourne!

These days in numbers:

30 km – distance cycled
2 – museums visited
250 – different languages spoken in Sydney
17 – USD the average price of my breakfast in Sydney; in Buenos Aires it was under $10 for two