It’s mid-March, and I hadn’t cycled until now, which adds up to roughly three months. Travels, weather, and home improvement projects got in the way. Yesterday, after a half-day working in the garden – who knew a city boy like me would do such a thing – I dusted off Greengo, my trusted Brompton, and rolled out of our village. I had no destination in mind, except to return home at some point, so I was deciding where to turn right at the crossroads. I ended up going left most of the time, looping back to our house. Living in a hilly countryside makes any ride a good exercise, and as I was out of cycling shape, it was a hard one. It took me a couple of hours to cover 30 kilometers; my legs were burning, and my bum was sore at the end. That’s the price to pay for being off the saddle for months. Hopefully, the dry spell, ironically, it was mostly wet weather here, is over, and I will continue to cycle fairly regularly from now on.

Yesterday in numbers:

31 km — distance cycled
538 m — elevation gain
5.6 kg — weight loss since my arrival in France due to all improvement projects I carried out (literally)