12/04/23 – En La Ciudad de La Furia (In the City of Fury)

Well, the run of Messi10 in Buenos Aires has come to an end. It was quite successful, despite the economic woes Argentina is going through. With inflation skyrocketing, people can’t save money, so they spend it on entertainment and restaurants, making the city a very lively place. The title of this post is taken from the eponymous song by Soda Stereo, probably the most famous Argentinian rock band. It was written in 1988 during a similar economic situation, and I bet people can relate to it now.
On this occasion, I’ve spent three months here, and if I count all my previous visits, it adds up to over a year. I can’t claim to know every nook and cranny of Buenos Aires, but I can say I’m quite familiar with it. By now, I feel like I’ve seen enough, eaten enough meat, and tried enough ice creams. As much as I like the city and the country, it’s time to say “Adios!“ and move to new “pastures”.

Buenos Aires in numbers:

1894 km — distance cycled
138.3% — Argentina’s annual inflation rate in 2023
734 — bookshops in BA which is more bookshops per inhabitant than in any other city in the world
42 — ice cream shops checked out; at Vasko I tried 15 different flavors and it became my favorite parlor