Since I arrived in Argentina, I encountered a few technical issues with my Brompton: a cracked rim, a faltering gear hub, and a removable pedal falling off frequently. There is only one store selling Bromptons in the whole country, and furthermore, they don’t carry any spare parts. So, I had to count on colleagues coming from abroad to bring the necessary parts. When we returned to BA, I finally received everything I needed to take care of Greengo. It took me just a couple of hours to complete the task. After I rebuilt the rear wheel with a new gear hub and spokes, I once again had to rely on a bike store to true it. But now Greengo has a new hub, spokes, sprockets, chain, and pedals, and hopefully, it will last for a long while.
This week in numbers:
38 km — distance cycled
$300 — price of purchased parts; assembly – free, trueing the wheel – $2.08