09/09/19 – Barça

The next chapter of Messi 10 has begun: we arrived in Barcelona. Vacation is over and we’re ready to sprint to the finish line. During the next five weeks we’ll polish up our show, to be ready for the premiere in October.

It isn’t only the end of vacation but also the end of idle time: I am back on my Brompton commuting and re-acquainting myself with the city; I think it’s my fifth time here. There’s miles and miles of bike lanes in the city and roads are in waaay better shape than in Montreal. It should be a pleasant and comfortable riding experience for the next few months.

This week in numbers:

111 km – distance cycled
12 – fellow Bromptoneers that passed me by in the streets of Barcelona in a single day
1 – punctured tire
209 km – of cycling paths in Barcelona