12/25/19 – Road Trip

It didn’t start well. I usually steer clear of local car rental companies but the price was right and the car had all sorts of protections. Nonetheless, at the counter the guy tried to up-sale me more protection and charge additional fees. When I pointed out that I prepaid everything, this jerk asked me for my international driving permit, which I, of course, didn’t have and subsequently refused to rent me the car. I had to scramble to rent from another company at extra cost while loosing a couple of hours of time.
After that our weekend trip to northern Catalunya went without a hitch. The weather was perfect. The landscape was amazing. We stopped by several small villages in Pyrenees. We visited a few churches. We ate local sweets. We saw many Tió de Nadal, or Christmas Log, also known as Caga Tió – “shit log”.

We came back right on time for Christmas Eve dinner.
As you may have noticed, on my latest trips, I had to choose between Greengo and Julie. Hence, there was no Brompton on this trip as well.
Merry Christmas, everybody!

This trip in numbers:

461 km – distance driven
9 – villages and towns visited
$920 – the average American will spend on holiday gifts in 2019