I took advantage of the relatively calm morning and headed towards Ahipara, where I should have ended up yesterday. From there I turned inland, away from the wind.

The landscape was to die for: green rolling hills, pasturing sheep. F@cking bucolic.

I noticed that farm animals, ambivalent to passing cars, react when I pass by. They turn their heads, some run away, some, like a group of young bulls, charge towards me. I wonder what would happen if there was no fence.
Today was rather uneventful, just the way I like it. There were ups and downs on the road, which coincided with my mood swings: I ascend – my mood declines; I descend fast – I am in a good mood again.

Today in numbers:

99 km – distance cycled
30 000 000 – sheep in New Zealand, or 7 sheep for every person