At the beginning of this year, I set a goal on Strava to cycle for 5000 km before the year’s end. At the time, it was a reasonable goal. By mid-July, with the pandemic halting all travels and commute, it seemed like an unattainable one: I had only done around 1500 km and was more than 900 km behind pace. Then came my Keto diet along with a sudden acceleration of my cycling pace, averaging 40+ km a day. Result: I reached my 5000 km goal a few months ahead of time and, weather permitting, I’ll go a little beyond. I guess goal setting is a worthy thing after all.
Today in numbers:
5004.8 km – distance cycled so far this year
319 115 – Audi 5000 cars sold in the US from 1977 to 1989
7500 – Audi 5000 owners that tried to sue the carmaker for accidents caused by inadvertent acceleration