02/11/22 – Separation

In mid December of last year we wrapped up our show, Messi10, in Riyadh. We were supposed to return to Riyadh after the holidays for another installment. Since I was going to snowy Moscow and wintry France during this short break, I opted to leave my Brompton, in a container with our show equipment in Riyadh. Biiig mistake: something called Omicron showed up at our doorstep and the show’s return to the stage is put on hold. I now have lots of time to cycle but my bike is stuck in a container in Saudi Arabia. Who knows how long this separation will last. Lesson learned: don’t leave your most precious possession behind.
As a distraction, I worked on our house in France with my hands full of projects – the number of which didn’t seem to shrink no matter how many I finished. I guess it’s the fate of a homeowner.

This period in numbers:

0 km — distance cycled
5859 km — distance between my Brompton and I, via Route 65