06/07/21 – Around the World in Seven Years
Seven years ago to date, while on tour with Cirque du Soleil in London, after mulling over it for a couple of years, I finally convinced myself to cough up a couple of thousand US dollars on a folding bike – Brompton, to be precise. I never looked back: it was, hands down, the best investment I made. I use it almost daily, weather permitting. I started by commuting, then on weekends I added leisurely rides around the cities I was working in, followed by out-of-town day trips, and finally those rides extended to multi-week long distance adventures.
The distance I have cycled up to now is equal to the equatorial circumference of Earth, hence, I can safely say I circumnavigated the world, just like Magellan 500 years ago. Don’t you think?
But wait, I am not done yet: there are plenty of routes to explore for Greengo and me. See you on the road somewhere!
Seven years in numbers:
40 077 km — distance cycled, all on the same Brompton
2557 — days to circle the globe, 2479 days short of world record set by Mark Beaumont in 2017
1346 — rides to reach this mileage
267.2 km — my longest ride
46 — countries visited along the way