05/23/23 – Lost and Found

After a couple of months in France I hit the road again: my mom and I traveled to Paris together by train, then she flew back to Moscow and I flew to Buenos Aires to work on the re-opening of the Messi10 show. The flight, besides being very long, was OK. However, upon arrival I sadly realized the suitcase with Greengo, my Brompton, got lost somewhere along the way. A couple of days later the suitcase with my bike was delivered but not without damage: the suitcase itself was cracked in a couple of places and the kickstand was broken right in the middle. Lately, Greengo was unlucky: he got stuck in Riyadh for almost a year, was slightly damaged on the flight from there, and now – this. Fortunately, the bike is still cyclable and foldable but I don’t know what else I can do to better protect it.

Today in numbers:

13 km — distance cycled, first commute of this leg
$645 — the cost of replacing damaged parts and suitcase